terça-feira, 19 de março de 2013

1968 - The dictatorship attacks even its allies...

Just 18 days after the government act (AI-5) that installed the dictatorship in Brazil, in 1968, the regime showed that would not allow any kind of opposition -- neither from the politics who first supported the coup in 1964. In the last day of the year that changed everything, the Brazilian newspapers announced that Carlos Lacerda, who helped the militars during the coup four years before,     had his political rights suspended.

When the militars announced the AI-5, in the night of December 13th, started the long night of the dictatorship in Brazil. A lot of politics, artists, union leaders, students and teachers were arrested. But nobody could imagine that even politics that were aligned to the regime would be a target. But in Dec 31st it was evident that the militars would try to have the command of the country just for them.

So the year of 1968 ended in Brazil with an emblematic initiative of the militar government that showed: things would be the way they want to. It was mandatory. Neither people who were considered allied were out of the plan.

1968 ended in Brazil with bad news. It was hard to wish "Happy New Year" in that scenario...

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