segunda-feira, 22 de abril de 2013

45 years ago, in Paris, the world started to change. Well, we were in 1968...

Students protest in the streets of Paris: the world was never the same

Next week, on May 3th, a remarkable "anniversary" -- at that date in 1968 the French police used the force to clear out the University of Sorbonne, where there was a student manifestation against  the educational official policy.

The police action pulled the trigger of a wave of manifestations that changed the world. In response, students start to organize manifestations that became bigger and bigger. The shocks with the police became more frequent and the wave that started in Quartier Latin spread all over the country -- and later for other countries, from U.S. to Checoslovakia.

The result was the beginning of May of 1968, a period of time when the world could see the biggest manifestation against the status quo. The students and their manifestation were against everything: government educational education, way of living, sexual repression, bureaucracy and so on.

Creative slogans start to appear during the manifestation, like "Imagination in the power" and "It is forbidden to forbid". Suddenly, everything started to be contested.

It was the beginning of a new era -- not necessarily good or bad, but diferent, for sure. 1968 was in the streets, where it stays until today...

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