sexta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2012

Black Wednesday, Black Friday... The long night of violence was just beginning in Brazil, in 1968.

"Black Wednesday", "Black Friday"... The violence of the confrontation police-students in June of 1968 became bigger and bigger in Rio de Janeiro.

The students organizated more and more protests since March, when one of them (Edson Luiz, read post in this blog) was assassinated by the police.

The confrontation started then and in June there was an explosion -- for the first time the policemen were "received" by the students with rocks and "Molotov cocktails" (a kind of an artesanal bomb" during a manifestation in June 19th, the "Black Wednesday". The police used more violence and a lot of people (not only students) were injured.

Two days later, the situation became even worse. Manifestations assembled more students and the repression was also bigger. Result: the "Black Friday", with 4 people killed and hundreds of injured.

The civil war looked a question of time. To add more tension to the environment it was promoted a few days later the "Manifestation of One Hundred Thousand People", with the participation of popular actors, singers, poets.

So, more than "Black Wednesday" and the "Black Friday" there was a "Black Month" during that period. It was like an advice of what came in December -- the dictatorship lost its "shame" and was installed at the end of the year. Of 1968, as you could expect...

A sexta-feira sangrenta. Jornal do Brasil: 22 de junho de 1968.

The newspapers highlighted the violence of the "Black Friday"

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